Post Covid Vaccination Care


Now a days vaccination task is going. Everyone is thinking of taking vaccination. This is the need of this period. There are some important instructions form Ayurveda which would help in better results and less side effects.

Don't take Alcohol 48 hrs. prior and later. Do the blood donation before vaccination. Everyday something is written in the paper. But no one talks what we should do after vaccination. What care one should take.

We are under the impression that if nothing happened like, Fever, body ache,diarrhea means our immunity is good. Remember one thing, certain changes does occur in our physiology after taking vaccination. You may suffer or not suffer from any symptoms you have to take care of yourself. Drink lukewarm water, eat light food like Dal and rice, or mong dal khichadi, clear vegetable soup. After the vaccination our digestive fire is low as the enzyme secretions are reduced. When the body receives the vaccine , dendrites at the end of neurons exchange the electro chemical messages to T cells and B cells to form anti bodies for fighting with virus. If  you take proper care and allow the body to come to normal physiology and cope up with situation It helps to build good immunity to fight with COVID.
We can achieve our goal of eradication of Pandemic.

By Dr. Sunanda Ranade
Vice chairman IAA.


  1. Very well written without any bias
    Appreciate taking reasonable view


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