What is Panchakarma Therapy
“Panch” means five and “Karma” means action done in the form of therapies. So, panchakarma means five different forms of treatment. According to Ayurveda, diseases are originated in the body due to the imbalance in the three bioenergies known as three Doshas- Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Regular cleansing of the body by removing the excess accumulated dosha is recommended. Panchkarma is this cleansing process which helps in the elimination of toxins and doshas from the body and thus prevents formation of disease. It helps to strengthen the body’s metabolic functions. As the wastes and excess of doshas are eliminated from the body the individual becomes alert, energetic, vibrant, and healthy. This therapy is recommended for maintaining youthfulness and building immunity and resistance against diseases. The Panchakarma treatment is found to be helpful in chronic diseases where treatment with conventional medicines has its limitations. Rheumatoid arthritis, skin diseases, h...